

Peter is a popular and experienced clinician for workshops and masterclasses. The topics that he prefers are those directly related to the fundamentals of music making and piano playing. He has presented nationally and internationally, including appearances at the MTNA Conference in Toronto, the Saskatchewan Registered Music Teachers Provincial Conference, the Canadian Federation of Music Teachers National Conference, the Alberta Piano Teachers Association Provincial Conference as well as the Escuela Nacional de Musica in Mexico City.

The workshops can be individually tailored for any level of players, and can run anywhere from an hour to a day, depending on the requirements of the event.  For more information, please contact Peter Jancewicz directly.

Playing with Ease

In his experience as a teacher and adjudicator, Peter has found that many student pianists play unmusically. He believes that it is not because they lack inherent musicality, but rather that their physical and mental habits turn the joy of music making into a grim struggle. In this lecture/demonstration, Peter presents the results of his findings during his recovery from a repetitive strain injury. They have helped him and his students play with ease and fluency, and helped remove many of the obstacles to expressive playing.

Playing with Confidence

Whether performing in public or simply playing for one’s own pleasure, nothing takes the enjoyment out of making music faster than a lack of confidence. While it is unreasonable to suppose that we can cure anxiety completely (all the great artists get nervous!), there are certain ways of thinking and certain techniques we can use to instill and practice playing with confidence. In this lecture/demonstration, Peter presents strategies to help make pianists (and other musicians) more confident in their performances.

The techniques and strategies outlined in Playing with Ease and Playing with Confidence will also help pianists overcome or avoid Repetitive Strain Injuries.

A Composer’s View of the Score

Being a composer as well as a teacher and performer has given Peter insight into the process of expressing himself clearly through the score. Those cryptic markings on the music often mean much more than is apparent at first sight. In this lecture/demonstration, Peter helps decode some of the symbols that will help performers and teachers gain more insight into the composer’s intentions as well as the music itself.

The Art of Listening

Of all the myriad skills needed to play the piano well, listening is the most important. And yet, it is the one that always gets lost in the shuffle. How can someone understand the music they play if they don’t listen? In this lecture/demonstration, Peter presents suggestions to help student and teacher go beyond mere correctness and put meaning in the music and understand more deeply what they play.


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