An Old Fashioned Fairy Tale
with Cameron Watson, piano, Robert Klakowich, narrator, story and music by Peter Jancewicz
This is the story of a little boy who hears wonderful music and realizes that his heart’s desire is to become a musician. He embarks on a quest to fulfill his dream. It proves to be a long and difficult journey and while traveling, he meets several characters who either seek to help or to thwart him. They include the Old Man, a wise man like Yoda, Fuldya, a sorcerer who tricks his victims with illusions, Hyrnocht, a wicked witch whose spells make her victims’ hearing go wonky, Braguebost, a scaly ravenous self-centred dragon with needle sharp teeth, and Fey’th, a giant eagle who is a good friend of the Old Man. The little boy could be anyone, girl or boy, woman or man, who sets out to do something special. In this case, it’s a little boy, because the boy was me.
Thursday July 4th, 12 noon, Edmonton City Hall
Clink on this link for the beautiful poster: